
Less Stress More Rest
A Free Workshop on How to Maximize Your Time, Personally and Professionally

Rest is Calling...
Are you Gonna Answer???
Just because you CAN do it all, doesn't mean you SHOULD!
That's a recipe for disaster, and only leads to overwhelm, burnout and resentment.
If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired... this workshop is for you!
In this workshop, you will learn how to...
Apply my SECRET capacity formula to break-up with burnout + overcome overwhelm
Use the powers of delegation and boundary setting to maximize your time and energy
Identify what you value in THIS season of your life and tie it to how you spend your time
Prioritize your priorities, personally + professionally and align them with your actions

Does This Sound Familiar?
It feels like there are NEVER enough hours in the day ...
You get overwhelmed with the constant juggling of work and your family, which leads to being mentally and physically exhausted, despite your to-do lists and best intentions.
You struggle with managing your time, energy, and resources between your demanding role as a mom, being a business owner and/or your responsibilities as a full-time leader.
You feel guilty... like you don't do 'enough' in any of your roles. It impacts how you feel about yourself, how you show up as a parent, and you feel like your career/business + family life are being compromised.
Here's Why I'm Hosting This Workshop... for FREE

Hi! I'm Nicole, Your Workshop Host
As a woman who wears many hats, including Mom, Wife, Business Owner, Employee, Big Sister, etc., I know what it's like to juggle competing priorities at home and at work.
And I know how it can take a toll on your business or professional life, your family, and of course, YOU!! After running myself into the ground for decades and then finding myself fighting for my life in ICU, I knew I had to make some changes...
That's why I'm hosting this Workshop... because I want teach you how to make the most of your time + energy by giving you the tools to overcome overwhelm and break-up with burnout.
If you're ready to learn how to manage your competing priorities, without sacrificing yourself, your family, or what matters most to you, then join me for the Less Stress More Rest Workshop!
Can't wait to see you there!
This is for you if you are ...
The "one" at
Home + Work
You're the "go-to". Everyone KNOWS you can and will get it done.
You put other people's needs, wants, + priorities before your own.
You have trouble asking
for help because everybody thinks you don't need it.
A Full-Time Employee
An Entrepreneur
This workshop is NOT for
You work 40 (if not more) hours per week because you're dedicated.
Your role demands a lot out of you, sometimes after regular work hours.
You take pride in being the solution, but that puts more on your plate.
You love the freedom
+ flexibility, but you literally do it all...
Between content, emails, + growing your business... you're tired, friend.
You know you need help but have no idea where to start or who to ask.
Those who want a quick fix + aren't willing to
do the work.
Those who don't believe in work-life balance or
that they're equal.
Those who'll come get the info but not put it to work... action is required.

Your Questions, Answered!
Q: Do I have to join live event or will there be a replay available?
A: I recommend the live workshop, but a replay will be available if you register.
Q: Can I bring a friend or invite others to the workshop?
A: Absolutely! Do have them register so they too can get access to the replay.
Q: How long will the workshop last and where will it be hosted?
A: It will last about 45 minutes to an hour, and will be hosted via Zoom